4 Elements of a User-Friendly Web Design

4 Elements of a User-Friendly Web Design

When it comes to designing your site’s layout, you need to keep a few things in mind if you want people to love it. Apart from looking great, it should be easy to understand and use for everyone. If you don’t know where to start from, just follow these easy web design tips. See Also: B2B Web Design Agency

4 Elements of a User-Friendly Web Design

Strong and Clear Message

Your website needs to project the image you want everyone to see. You can control this image with your web design. You need to position your logo and message on top left corner. This is the part of screen where our eyes are easily drawn to.

Be Consistent

Your users want to know where they are in your site and if your style changes too often, they may disengage and feel lost. Therefore, you need to maintain consistency in your web design and professional image. Make sure everything matches perfectly from headers, to design and color.

Simple is Better

Your website has to be quick and easy to use. Being simple is the key here. Make sure useful info, and facilitating features are available at the touch of a button. Make your page easy to scan if you want people to hang around for long.

Make it Useful

Your website won’t do any business if it’s not useful for your visitors. It has to be quick and easy to navigate. Therefore, you need to consider user experience while working on the web design.

4 Elements of a User-Friendly Web Design 2

Compile a list of things you want to include in your web design and check whether these make the site easy to use, and navigate while making it attractive or not.  You can test the user friendliness of your site if you let people who know nothing about your business test it for you. They will give you an honest feedback.