
What are Different Types of Workplace Injuries?

There are several types of workplace injuries, including sprains, strains, and tears of tendons. These types of injuries are typically caused by repetitive motion or poor lighting or visual obstructions. Falls may also be caused by a lack of safety equipment, such as a safety harness. Some workplace injuries are more common than others, such as repetitive stress injuries (RSIs). The consequences of these types of injuries can be life-threatening. If you suffer from any type of workplace injury, contact Dozier Law Firm for experienced lawyers you can count on.


Slip and fall injuries are among the most common types of workplace injuries. A person may fall in a workplace when they trip over a spill. Falls may occur at the same level as the person, when they are sitting, or when they fall through a collapsed structure. Falls account for 27% of all workplace injuries. Falls occur most often in industries such as construction, transportation, and warehousing. In addition to back and leg injuries, a fall can lead to brain and spinal cord injuries.

Explosions and fires are also common workplace injuries. These accidents can occur due to faulty gas lines, improperly stored combustible materials, or open flames. The result can be devastating, resulting in extensive medical bills and time off work. Fires cause the highest casualty rates of all probable workplace accidents. Workers exposed to fire should wear protective gear in these types of circumstances to prevent burns.

Bodily reaction injuries result from repetitive motion. For example, a worker who works behind a checkout counter may suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, which causes painful muscles in the hands and wrists. Workers’ compensation may cover medical bills and physical therapy for such injuries. If your job involves heavy machinery, you may need protective gear. In addition, remember to put up signs near dangerous machinery to ensure that your employees are protected.

Bodily Reactions and Exertions rank fifth in the Workplace Safety Index. Bodily reactions and exertions are caused by repetitive movements and strenuous effort. This category can occur in any industry, and can account for up to 7.2 percent of the overall injury burden. Motorized land vehicle incidents involve the driver, passenger, and pedestrian. Injury-related deaths can be fatal, but luckily, most workers never report an incident.

Injuries resulting from repetitive motion are also known as “repetitive stress injuries.” These are caused by actions that require a lot of muscle activity. Repetitive stress injuries, or RSIs, can cause severe pain, which may even make it impossible to perform a basic job. As such, these injuries can be very expensive to treat and even render a worker incapable of performing their job for a long time.

Electrocution-related injuries can be caused by working near exposed cords or outlets. Electricity can also be transmitted through underground cables if a worker hits them while digging. For this reason, it is important to identify electrical hazards at work sites. The most common causes of injury on the job are pulling, pushing, and other job-related movements. Overexertion injuries are cumulative and may lead to serious complications, such as neck or back pain.